What information will help us determine

if your property is fairly assessed? 

  • Leases
  • Appraisals
  • Income & Expense Statements 
  • Purchase Offers
  • Listing Agreements   
  • Environmental compliance costs​

We put in a tremendous amount of time analyzing the assessment of your property to determine if you have a viable claim.  Help us by providing all information that may reflect the value of your property. 


​​If you're a commercial property owner wondering if your assessment is correct, let us run some numbers for you. 

Our experience in assessment litigation includes both routine cases and

highly-complex cases concerning specialized property and cutting-edge land valuation issues.  We have experience evaluating the assessments of all types of real property including office complexes, retail establishments, farming operations, apartment complexes, banks, nursing homes, mobile home parks, power generating plants, municipal water lines, racetracks, subsidized housing, licensed gaming operations, antique malls and manufacturing facilities. 

We work with municipal assessors.  The assessors also seek accurate valuations to fairly spread the tax burden.  With thousands of properties to value each year and municipal budgets shrinking, many local assessors don't have the information or resources to thoroughly analyze the value of each commercial parcel - especially unique and specialty properties.  We'll make sure they have the necessary information to accurately assess your property and apply any exemption to which you may be entitled. 

If we cannot obtain a reduction to an agreed-upon valuation or a valid exemption through negotiation with the assessor or as a result of an appeal to the Board of Assessment Review, it may be necessary to proceed with the filing of a challenge in Supreme Court, pursuant to Article 7 of the Real Property Tax law.  We'll represent you through the entire process.

If you've been denied an exemption, we'll give you our opinion as to whether that determination was correct.  If not, we can also help you challenge that determination.